Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tuesday August 16, 2011

  1. In a new tab, like we learned yesterday, go to Dance Mat Typing (control click on the link to bring up the menu). --->
  2. Complete Level 1 Stage 2. Don't forget to keep your fingers in the correct position on the home row. 
  3. Open Microsoft Word.
  4. In a new blank document write the following and fill in the blanks.
First and last name
My 2010 math score was _______ which was ____(ex: proficient)_.
My 2011 math score was _______ which was _________________.
My 2012 math goal is __________ which is __________________.
Three things I have committed to do to achieve my goal are:

• Pay attention in class
• Ask quality questions that lead to learning 
• Complete all assignments on time
• Raise my hand for permission to speak so I don't waste class time
• Listen carefully to directions the first time they are given

5. Create a new folder on the desktop and label it with your first and last name.
6. Save your document to your folder as "Math Scores and Goals."