1. Open your All About Me PowerPoint project.
2. Add one more section to your presentation. It's probably a good idea to make a Section Header slide for this section if you have done so for all of the other sections. (Be consistent!) You may choose the topic of this section. Some ideas include:
• My Family
• My Future Plans (What you want to be when you grow up, or where you want to go to college)
• My Hobbies (Things you do in your spare time)
3. Review your presentation to make sure that you have included all of the required elements. Make any last minute changes that you need to. Check each element off on your check list when you are finished.
4. When it is complete, please show me your presentation and I will sign it off. This project is due no later than Thursday (the last day of school before break).
5. Work in Khan Academy. Please finish any assigned exercises that you you have not yet mastered.