Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

1. Dance Mat Typing Level 3 Stage 8 (or wherever you left off).

2. KhanAcademy. Before going on to any other exercises of your choice, please make sure you are proficient in:
  • Addition 1
  • Subtraction 1
  • Addition 2
  • Multiplication 0.5
  • Number Line
  • Addition 3
  • Subtraction 2
  • Multiplication 1
  • Division 0.5
  • Addition 4
3. Then you may:
  • Do other KhanAcademy exercises.
  • Practice a previous lesson in Dance Mat Typing (with no peaking).
  • Test your keyboarding skills with a typing test.
  • Check your grades on PowerSchool.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday August 29, 2011

1. Dance Mat Typing Level 3 Stage 7 (or wherever you left off)

2. There are still some students who have not added me as a coach in their KhanAcademy accounts. (I know who you are.) Please log in and make sure that I am listed as a coach. I cannot give you points for your work if I am not a coach.

3. When you are sure that Mrs. Bloom and Mrs. Delatore are listed as your coaches, you may:
• Work to pass off exerceses in Khan
• Review any level of Dance Mat Typing that you have already completed.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday August 26, 2011

1. In a new tab go to Mrs Blooms Math Class

2. Take new quizzes. Remember to show all work in your quiz notebooks. I will come around to record scores.
7th Grade: 1-9 and 1-10
8th Grade: 1-6, 1-7, and 1-8

3. Go back and finish or retake any quizzes that you need to.

4. When you are all caught up on your quizzes, you may:
• Go to Khan Academy
• Check your grades on PowerSchool
• Practice any level of Dance Mat Typing that you have already done

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday August 25, 2011

1. Dance Mat Typing Level 2 Stage 6. Make sure you are using the correct fingers for every key!

2. Log in to Khan Academy and make sure you have added Mrs. Delatore and Mrs. Bloom as coaches.

3. Work in Khan Academy for the rest of the period. Try to pass off as many exercises as you can!

*Today I need to find out once and for all what the problems are with your accounts, so please let me know if you cannot log in or if you cannot add coaches.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday August 23, 2011

1. Dance Mat Typing Level 2 Stage 5

2. Complete step numbers 2 - 7 from yesterday.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday August 22, 2011

1. Dance Mat Typing: Level 2 Stage 4

2. Finish any math quizzes that you did not finish from Friday.
7th grade should complete through 1-6
8th grade should complete though 1-5

3. Go to PowerSchool and look at you math grades. All of the quizzes that you need to pass off are already listed. Be aware of these and be ready to get proficient and earn your "black belt."

4. Login to Khan Academy.

5. Follow these directions to add me (Mrs. Delatore) as a coach.

6. Repeat this process adding Mrs. Bloom as a coach. Her Coach ID is: MrsBloomsMathClass@gmail.com

7. Use the rest of the period to work on Khan Academy. Let me know if you still cannot log in.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday August 19, 2011

1. In a new tab, go to Mrs. Blooms Math Class.

2. Click on the page that says 7th or 8th grade lesson quizzes, depending on what class you are in.

3. Complete the lesson quizzes for the lessons that you have covered so far.

4. After completing each quiz you must copy any problems that you got wrong before I can record your score.

5. When you are ready, please raise your hand quietly and I will come record your score.

6. After I have recored a lesson quiz score, please move on to the next quiz until you have done all of the lessons that you have covered in class.

7. When you are finished, you may review any typing lesson in Level 1 or go on Khan Academy.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thursday August 18, 2011

1. In a new tab, go to Dance Mat Typing.

2. Complete Level 1 Stage 3. Try not to look at your fingers!

3. Finish writing your math scores and goals in a Word document and save it to YOUR folder on the desktop. (Yesterday's assignment)

4. Make sure that you don't have any work saved in the Documents folder.

5. When you are finished please check your Technology class grade. There are several students who are not eligible to attend their elective workshop because they are missing work. If you are missing something that you think you completed, please see me.

6. In a new tab, open the above page called "How to Log in to Khan Academy." In another new tab, follow the directions to login using your new Google account. 

7. Once you are in Khan Academy, click on the practice link at the top of the page:

9. Choose the first exercise in the knowledge map called "Addition 1."

10. Work on these problems until you are proficient in this area.

11. When you are proficient in Addition 1, click the button that says "Choose a new exercise" to return to the Dashboard and the Knowledge Map.

12. Choose one of the next three exercises in the knowledge map and work on it until you are proficient.

13. Work on one more exercise of your choice and try to pass it off. Experiment with the program. Click on the links for hints to see what kind of help you get. What happens when you click to watch the video on your topic? How many points can you earn before the end of class?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tuesday August 16, 2011

  1. In a new tab, like we learned yesterday, go to Dance Mat Typing (control click on the link to bring up the menu). --->
  2. Complete Level 1 Stage 2. Don't forget to keep your fingers in the correct position on the home row. 
  3. Open Microsoft Word.
  4. In a new blank document write the following and fill in the blanks.
First and last name
My 2010 math score was _______ which was ____(ex: proficient)_.
My 2011 math score was _______ which was _________________.
My 2012 math goal is __________ which is __________________.
Three things I have committed to do to achieve my goal are:

• Pay attention in class
• Ask quality questions that lead to learning 
• Complete all assignments on time
• Raise my hand for permission to speak so I don't waste class time
• Listen carefully to directions the first time they are given

5. Create a new folder on the desktop and label it with your first and last name.
6. Save your document to your folder as "Math Scores and Goals."

Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday, August 15, 2011

  1. Listen (hands and eyes) while Mrs. Delatore gives you a few reminders.
  2. Go to Dance Mat Typing (there is a link under "Class Links" in the column on the right --->).
  3. Complete Level 1 Stage 1 (home row).
  4. When you have completed this level you may play keyboarding games until time is up.
  5. When keyboarding practice time is up, listen to the directions for what to do next.